Privacy Policy for JBA Distribution, LLC

While visiting our website, we collect information in several diverse ways.

JBA Distribution, LLC, does not collect personal information about individuals, such as their names , mailing, or email addresses, unless it is knowingly provided by the individual and the individual has agreed to the terms under which JBA Distribution, LLC will use it.

JBA Distribution, LLC collects only such personal information from you as is necessary to answer any questions you submit online or for delivering the goods purchased from our company. Such information is limited to your physical mailing address and Internet mailing address. The information is collected only during your inquiries and or through email correspondence

JBA Distribution, LLC is not responsible for the information as it is in transit whether sent to us electronically or via Postal Mail. JBA Distribution, LLC will not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. We may compile and provide aggregate statistics about our visitors, customers , sales , traffic patterns, and related site information to third parties, but these statistics will not include any personally identifying information. JBA Distribution, LLC may release account information when we have a good faith belief that such information is reasonably necessary to comply with the law, enforce the terms of any of our user agreements, or protect the rights, property and safety of JBA Distribution, LLC, the users of its site, or others.

When you visit our website
You are free to explore the website without providing any personal information about yourself. When you visit the website or register for subscription services, we request that you provide personal information about yourself, and we collect navigational information.
Navigational information refers to information about your computer and your visits to this website such as your IP address, geographical location, browser type, referral source, list of visit and pages viewed.

Customer testimonials and comments
From time to time, we may post customer testimonials and comments on our website, which may contain personal information. We obtain each customer’s consent via email prior to posting the customer’s name and testimonial.

Use of credit card information
If you provide JBA Distribution, LLC with credit card information, we use it solely to check your financial qualification and collect payment from you. We use a third-party service provider to manage credit card processing. This service provider is not permitted to store, retain, or use information you provide except for the sole purpose of credit card processing on your behalf.

Security of your personal information
We utilize a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use or disclosure. We secure the personal information you provide on computer services in a controlled, secure environment protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When sensitive personal information such as credit card numbers and or Geo location data are collected and or transmitted to other websites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the secure socket layer SSL protocol.

Social media features
Our website Include social media features such as Facebook and Instagram buttons and widgets such as the share this button or interactive programs that run on our site. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our sites, and may set a cookie to unable to feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our websites. This privacy policy does not apply to these features.

External websites
Our website may provide links to other websites. We do not control and are not responsible for the practices or content of these other websites. Our provision of such links does not constitute our endorsement of these other websites, their content, their owners, or their practices. This privacy policy does not apply to these other websites, which are subject to any privacy and other policies they may have.

Retention of personal information-This section is for subscription only
we retain personal information that you provide us with as long as we consider it potentially useful in contacting you about the subscription service or our other services. Personal information may be needed to comply with resolving disputes, our legal obligations and enforce our agreements. JBA Distribution, LLC will then securely delete the information. We will delete this information from the servers at an earlier date if you so request, as described in “unsubscribing or opting out” below. If you provide information to our customers as part of their use of the subscription service, our customers decide how long it will take to retain the personal information they collect from you. If the customer terminates is used other subscription service, then we will provide customer with access to all information stored for the customer by the subscription service , including any personal information provided by you. For export by the customer according to our agreement with our customer. After termination, we may, unless legally prohibited, delete all customer information, including your personal information, from the subscription service.